Distribution to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Espero Fund established in 2013 our aim to support charitable causes in Australia and overseas. Particular we focus on community development and advocacy, improving educational opportunities and suitable one-off aid projects
Australian Communities Foundation, fund raising, community development, community advocacy, aid projects

Distribution to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre


Distribution to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Posted by Peter van Duyn in Media Release, News 03 Mar 2014

In February 2014 Espero Fund made a distribution to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre to assist with the integration of asylum seekers into society.

The ASRC which is based in Melbourne has grown to be Australia’s largest asylum seeker organisation. With 32 paid staff and nearly 750 volunteers delivering services to over 1,200 asylum seekers at any one time through programs such as material aid, health, legal, counselling, casework and foodbank. In its first 9 years the ASRC has assisted over 7000 people seeking asylum, provided more than 1 million hours of free help and turned no one in need away. All of this has been achieved with almost no government funding and more than 95% of our funding coming solely from the community and philanthropy. The ASRC does it all – from direct aid, welfare and medical care, to strengthening families and communities through community development, to campaigning for social change.