Who we are
With the aid of the Australian Communities Foundation, Peter and Veronica or Espero Fund, feel passionate about trying to address the disadvantage experienced by many in our society, through our charitable foundation, locally, Australia wide or Overseas.
Espeo Fund, Peter van Duyn, Veronica Collins, charitable foundation, Australian Communities Foundation

Who we are


The Espero fund was established by Peter van Duyn and Veronica Collins.

Peter van Duyn
Peter is a maritime logistics expert running his own business and he has worked as a volunteer in Pacific Rim countries through  Australian Business Volunteers. He is a member of the Australian Communities Foundation (ACF) Philanthropy and Impact Committee.

Veronica was an epidemiologist and researcher for many years and currently works as a scientific writer and freelance editor. She has volunteered for a number of organisations in Australia.

Peter and Veronica live and work in inner Melbourne and have assisted a number of asylum seekers with moving from detention to integrating into Australian society. With the aid of the Australian Communities Foundation, we feel passionate about trying to address the disadvantage experienced by many in our society, be they in our local community, elsewhere in Australia or overseas.